Posts filed under: Investor Pitch Strategy

You’ve been working on this concept for months. Or maybe you’ve already launched, and grown into a full-fledged startup businesses. Whether post- or pre-revenue, thousands of companies decide to seek outside funding to help their businesses reach the next level in a...
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In April 2012, I cashed a big check from a family member for the first time. No, not a big birthday check from grandma; my fledgling startup’s first funding. For many entrepreneurs, building, growing, and scaling their business takes money....
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How? These three letters man, are they simple, yet so incredibly complicated at the same time. The “how” of your business is the strategy by which you plan to achieve all of your lofty goals. How do we define our...
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When putting together a compelling pitch for startup funding, there are a few key things that a potential investor is looking for in your pitch deck. One of these, is traction. Or in non-startup-speak “the success you have seen so...
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I recently had a client ask me this question, “How do I prevent investors from forwarding my pitch deck to my competitors?”. We’d finished putting together a stellar pitch deck that accurately conveyed their awesome business concept/company. I detailed how...
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If your a startup founder, an investor, or have an interest in startups, you’ve likely heard of a Pitch Deck. At least that’s the term that we most often use here at Pitch Deck Fire. But, there are a myriad...
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Metrics help us quantify and measure things and when applied to our investor management strategy we can see where we to focus our efforts. We ultimately want to raise a certain amount of money and we know what equity and...
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One of the key performance measures of a founder is how he or she can get the company’s vision sold to internal and external stakeholders. As is the case with many founders, attracting startup funding investment to help grow the...
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Having a consistent approach to investors is key to your start-up funding efforts. While you can approach this task in a hap-hazard way and still get results, it’s not the best way. Don’t let your funding success depend on pure...
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When you’re looking for startup funding, you end up talking to a lot of people. And those people have a lot of opinions about you, your company, and your pitch deck. Let me guess…You spent hours putting together your best...
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